Google Forms Cheat Sheet

Google Forms Cheat Sheet

Google Forms Cheat Sheet

Whewph! It’s been awhile since my last blog post, so I figured it was time to blow off the dust and post an update!

One of my goals for 2016 is to start sharing more of my knowledge and collaborating with other teachers in my school district and worldwide! Read on for more details:

Digital Lead Learner

Our school district recently asked teachers to consider applying for the Digital Lead Learner (DLL) program. It’s the first year we’ve had something like this, and the goal is to encourage teachers to use Design Thinking in order to tackle a problem in the classroom and use technology to solve the problem. The end goal is to share our learning, findings, and knowledge with other teachers in our district. I applied, I was accepted, and I’m excited to be mentored, learn new things, and share my own learning with others.

RCSD Professional Development

Because of the DLL, I was approached to consider facilitating a professional development for teachers tomorrow! I’ll be showing teachers how to use Google Forms to create guided notes, entry/exit tickets, and a few other great things. In preparation for the PD, I made this Google Forms Cheat Sheet! I was inspired by Ben Cogswell’s cheat sheets, and I decided to create one for Google Forms. Ben tweeted a link to his cheat sheet, and he was so kind to let me know what he used to create the cheat sheet (Hey, Snagit!), we shared some messages back and forth, and voila! The Google Forms Cheat Sheet was created! Please feel free to use and share! Click here for the Google Forms Cheat Sheet.

I’ll be back with an update this week with some info about the Google Educator Level 1 test I took (and PASSED…WOOOOO! I was so nervous!), CUE Conference, and several classes I signed up for through Krause Center for Innovation.

Have a great week!



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