All Summer in a Day Read Aloud

We started reading Ray Bradbury’s story “All Summer in a Day” last week, and I decided to record myself reading the book aloud. I actually read this story with my 7th graders three years ago, but I decided to have my 6th graders read it this year.

We just so happened to read it on a rainy day. With the lights off. All binds closed. With rain sounds in the background. 🙂 It was a great day!

My students used Actively Learn to read and annotate the text and answer text-dependent questions. I’ve known about Actively Learn for over a year now, but I FINALLY got a chance to really use it in class. I loved it! I’m going to poll my students this week to see how they like it, and I’ll report back with some updates.

Here’s what my students will be working on for the next two days as we wrap up our work for this story: