Interpreting Personification

Screen Shot 2015-03-02 at 10.41.04 PMFigurative Language posters

All classes have been focusing on figurative language, and last Friday period three through six interpreted personification.

Of course we had to view a couple of YouTube videos:

  • My students have used Google Drawing before to draw pictures, but because I couldn’t checkout the laptops (and I wanted this to be quick check for understanding), good old-fashioned drawing worked out perfectly.
  • Each student was given a strip of paper with a sentence containing personification. Students were told to spend 15 minutes drawing an image to explain the phrase. On the back of their drawing they explained the phrased and identified what was being personified.
  • Sentence frame: The phrase _____________ means _____________. The non-human object being personified is _____________; I know this because ________________.
  • Below are four completed projects I was able to take pictures of.





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